Selasa, 27 November 2012

Solar System 

I can say that sun is the center of the solar system, well it is the center of human’s life on earth.  It is huge, glowing, it provides light, heat and most of the energy on earth.  It is made up entirely of gas, and scientist call it plasma. Eight planets and their moons,  tens of thousands of asteroids, and gazillions of comets revolve around it.  And I would love to tell you a little information  (this information I got from The World Book Encyclopedia-2006 ed) about our sun.
The sun at a glance:
Distance from Earth: Shortest, about 147,100,000 kilometers; longest, about 152,100,000 kilometers; average, about 149,600,000 kilometers. Sunlight takes about eight minutes to reach Earth, travelling at 299,792 kilometers per second
Radius, distance from the sun’s center to its surface: About 695,500 kilometers, approximately 109 times the radius of Earth.
Volume: About 33 x 1016 cubic miles. This number would be written out as 33 followed by 16 zeroes. It is equivalent to 14 x 1017 kilometers and is 1,300,000 times the volume of Earth.
Mass, amount of mater. About 2 x 1027 tons or metric tons. The sun’s mass makes up 99,8 percent of the mass of the solar system and is about 333,000 times as great as the mass of Earth.
DensityAverage, about 1.4 grams per cubic centimeter, roughly 1,4 the density of water; core , about 100 times the density of water; radiative zone, about equal to the density of water; convection zone, about 1/10 the density of water.
Temperature: Surface, about 5800 kelvins or 5500oC; core, more than 15 million kelvins or 15 million oC.
Age: about 4,600,000,000 years.
Chemical makeup: By mass, hydrogen, about 72 percent; helium, approximately 26 percent; other elements, roughly 2 percent. By number of atoms, hydrogen, about 94 percent; helium, about 6 percent; other elements, about 0,1 percent .
Luminosity, the rate at which the sun sends out energy: About  4 x 1026 watts.
Solar constant, the amount of energy from the sun that arrives at the top of Earth’s atmosphere: About 1,370 watts per square meter.
Rotation period: About 25 days at the equator; about 28 days at higher latitudes.
Revolution period (in the Milky Way Galaxy): About 250 million years.

I hope you enjoy the little information. 

Recommended Movie


Starring: Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, and many more.
Directed by Michael Bay
Written by Jonathan Hensleigh and J.J. Abrams.

Some of the critics said that this movie looks like a TV ad, that this movie would give you a migraine, that it is a testosterone and adrenaline cocktail with no intelligence in it, it is an assault on the eyes, the ears, the brain, common sense and the human desire to be entertained, and that it is so predictable it could have been written by a chimp who's watched too much TV. Well, what I can say is that even though there are tons of horrible critics I still like this movie. I still cried sometimes when Harry Stamper played by Bruce Willis said goodbye to his daughter played by Liv Tyler because he need to save Earth and stop the huge asteroid. I watched it the first time when I was just in second or maybe third grade, and it gave me some kind of impact till right now. I can't describe it. I just watched this movie last week, and I still like it. You just need to watch it to know it.

Solar System

I just think that we need to know where we ‘re living right now. I can’t write about the Milky Way Galaxy because it’s  humongous. So, I will start by talking about the Solar System. We learnt about it in elementary school, the solar system consists of a star, eight planets, their moons,  and other objects that orbiting around it. It includes many other objects that revolve around the sun, such as asteroids, meteoroids, and comets; and a thin cloud of gas and dust known as the interplanetary  medium. 

Since the 1990’s, astronomers have discovered many planets, though the planets cannot be seen directly. But  by studying the masses and the orbits of these planets, astronomers hope to learn about solar system even more in general.

For your information, several other stars have disk-shaped clouds around them that seem to be developing solar systems. In 1893, an infrared telescope in space photographed such a disk around Vega, it is the name of a star too if you don’t know. This discovery represented the first direct evidence of such material around any stars except the sun. By early 2000’s, astronomers had discovered that more that 50 stars like our sun have planets orbiting them. 

Senin, 26 November 2012

Quantum Physics, Heisenberg Uncertainty and Ar ra’d:4

Ar-Ra'd Ayat : 4

وَفِيالأَرْضِقِطَعٌمُّتَجَاوِرَاتٌوَجَنَّاتٌمِّنْأَعْنَابٍوَزَرْعٌوَنَخِيلٌصِنْوَانٌوَغَيْرُصِنْوَانٍيُسْقَىبِمَاءوَاحِدٍوَنُفَضِّلُبَعْضَهَاعَلَىبَعْضٍ فِيالأُكُلِإِنَّ فِيذَلِكَلَآيَاتٍلِّقَوْمٍيَعْقِلُونَ

Dan di bumi ini terdapat bagian-bagian yang berdampingan, dan kebun-kebun anggur, tanaman-tanaman dan pohon korma yang bercabang dan yang tidak bercabang, disirami dengan air yang sama. Kami melebihkan sebahagian tanam-tanaman itu atas sebahagian yang lain tentang rasanya. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang berfikir.

Heisenberg Uncertainty

  •  The uncertainty principle is fundamentally concerned with the limit of our ability in simultaneously determining with high accuracy and precision two independent, but conjugate variables in physics, which can be in the form of a pair of two quantities, such as position and momentum, energy and time, angle, and angular momentum.
  • ž The uncertainty relations state that the more precisely the momentum (energy) is determined the less precisely the position (time) is known, and conversely 

What I am trying to say here that there are many connections between the Holy Qur'an and physics, and one of them is this. God created us in couple, He make some of them exceed others in quality. In here, He talked about plants but we can still connect it with conjugate variables in physics, and like Heisenberg said that we can precisely determined one of them and not the other. You still can connect them with other things like gravity, and other stuffs in your lives. Start looking guys.. 

Recommended Movie

Dead Poets Society

Starring : Robin Williams; Robert Sean Leonard, and Ethan Hawke
Directed by Peter Weir
Written by Tom Schulman

It tells about how John Keating ,an English professor inspires his students to love poetry, to be men with their own ideas, to seize the day and to make their lives extraordinary.  I am inspired. You need to watch this movie because it's not just a great movie, it's brilliant and I haven't found this kind of movies in my generation right now. I mean, it was released four years before I was born. and I Love it. Watch it friends, i bet you're gonna be inspired too. 

Getting Older

When we were kids, we dream big things, happy things, great things that can be easily achieved in our dreams.  I used to want to become a doctor, and then a singer, a designer and then a director, a politician, a lawyer, an actress and even the president of Republic of Indonesia. As I grew older, those thoughts disappear or simply impossible for me to achieve and I have many reasons to not achieve them and all of them sounds like many excuses wrap in a tiny box.  I study to become a physics teacher now, I don’t easily like it. My mom asked me to pursue it so you can say that  I did it for my mom. Just for your information ,doing things for other people and not for yourselves is probably the greatest mistake you could ever make. If you call me selfish, fine. But seriously you would find yourself be bored in two or three months and then you become really sick of it, hate it, live in a dreadful agony,  and of course you would really hate yourself. Regrets. You would feel them inside like flu, spreading slowly.
I haven’t found anything that can cure my regrets.  All I can do is sleeping in my room, watching the tv, listening to my ipod, and watching k-drama like some lunatics. All I can say is I am a mess. I don’t know what I want to do, and I am bored and tired and feel really tiny and unconfident. I asked many people a lot of questions about dreams and  their own ambitions but all of them gave me the same answer. Just accept what you have right now, live the life given for you. I used to like that idea. Now I don’t really like it.
But recently I went on a trip with my friends and we talked a lot about our dreams and how things are doing in our lives. Appearently they have the same exact problems as I am. From that night, I know that I’m not alone and that other people also have the same or probably even bigger problems than me.  And yes, sometimes you need to share your story and ask for help to get through bumps in life. If you don’t find it the first time you asked for help, ask again. That’s what I did, and it worked. After that trip I watched this movie called Dead Poets Society, I will discuss this movie with you later, that opened my eyes and hearts in a really amazing ways. How a teacher can inspire his students to have their own voice and seize the day. I always wanted to become a singer, but I did not seize the day and tell my mother that I want to quit college and become a singer.  I learn something more. I don’t just seize the day. I accept my decisions in the past and try to seize the day I have right now. You think maybe I don’t have the guts to tell my mother what I really want. But really, when I watched John Keating inspired Todd Anderson to become a better man. I want to be just like John Keating. A teacher, a physics teacher and probably an english teacher someday that can inspire her students.

November 26, 2012